Battlefield 4 might be getting better E-sports support, after developer DICE mentioned that they are “very interested” in E-sports. E-sports is a growing phenomenon in the world, with its own tournaments and stars across the globe.
Battlefield 4 esportThe news comes from DICE general manager Karl-Magnus Troedsson, who said in a recent intervew that E-sports is an area they are “very interested in”. However, he added that he couldn’t give any specifics at this point about E-sports functionality in Battlefield 4. Troedsson added that multiplayer is the “heart” of Battlefield 4 and that DICE design philosophy of focusing on multiplayer hasn’t changed with Battlefield 4.
Considering that the Battlefield games are some of the most popular and competitive online games in the world, it seems like a great idea to add proper E-sports functionality to the upcoming Battlefield 4.
While E-sports is gaining in popularity at the moment, the movement is by no means new. It’s been around for over 15 years, and is particularly popular in countries such as South Korea. Battlefield competitor Call of Duty introduced new E-sport features with Black Ops 2 and Modern Warfare 3, where after the games gained in popularity in game tournaments. Looks like DICE has something similar in mind for Battlefield 4.